About Me

For quick facts about my credentials and methodology, see the frequently asked questions.

Learning and teaching for me have always been intertwined: the nature of my job means that everything I learn, I intend to know well enough to teach- and every time I teach, I will learn something new about people and how they learn. In some ways, my experience working with individuals began when I was a support aide for Autism patients in my very early 20’s- an experience that shaped my professional demeanor and teaching style in a big way.

From the perspective of managing a tutoring business, my approach with students might be viewed as self-defeating: I want them to be more capable and independent, needing me less and less after every session. My approach is guided by the demands of education in college and beyond, where independent inquiry and the development of self-teaching is the goal. I can be old-fashioned, acknowledging that a movement away from textbooks and towards over-condensed digital learning material through high school has been handicapping students entering college. The stunning drop out rates among freshmen nationwide bears out the bad habits that some students are learning from earlier education, and reversing these effects is the most important thing I can work through with struggling students.

My credentials include an MBA, a Masters Degree in Data Science, and a Bachelors in Applied Mathematics. I don’t fixate on one particular academic study. “I am always learning” is a motto I borrowed from Michelangelo.

As of 2023, I am employed full time as a senior statistician at a mid-size healthcare software company. I document some of the projects that pertain to this side of my career on a separate blog as well as LinkedIn.

This has marked some changes in my private education business, but teaching is still just about my favorite thing to do and I am always making time for my students.

I married my beautiful wife, Gina, in 2022 and she happens to be a special education professional and tutor for younger students!